Our Centre
Our kindergarten

The Kleine Wolkenstürmer day care facility was built with our contractual partners Deutsche Telekom AG and GIZ GmbH. The 2.200m2 campus comprises 3 buildings with a total of 15 groups providing childcare for 220 children.
Each of our 8 baby and toddler groups has 10 vacancies for children from 4 months to 3 years of age and the 7 mixed age groups each have 20 vacancies for children aged 2 to 6.
The varied, child-oriented outdoor area stimulates learning in all educational sectors whilst simultaneously ensuring the children's utmost safety.
The long opening hours, flexible pick-up times and large scope for individual requirements on offer at the facility enable the compatibility of family and working life.
Organisational Aspects
• Opening Times: 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. in the Telekom buildings, 7.30 a.m. - 6 p.m. in the GIZ building.
• Closing Times: There are no set closing times apart from on official public holidays as well as two conceptualisation days per year.
• Childcare Times: Flexible, according to families' requirements - the compatibility of career and private life is a top priority.
• Staff Ratio: Above legal requirements => If all children are present, there are generally three permanent staff members per group and an additional flexible staff member (split among the groups) working on the entire floor.
• Mealtimes: The daily meal plan consists of breakfast, lunch, an afternoon snack and supper. The food is freshly prepared on the premises by our two chefs using fresh, seasonal and regional produce.
Educational Aspects
• English Speakers: German- and English-speaking childcare staff work in all groups according to the immersion principle, thus accompanying the entire daily pedagogical routine in both languages.
• Qualified Staff: When choosing our educational staff members, we place great value on both team skills and continuous further education. Furthermore, some of our educational staff members already have additional qualifications (e.g. in music education, early childhood education, teaching art, etc.)
• Animal-Assisted Teaching: At our facility we have fish and giant African snails.
• Educational Ethos: Is based on current scientific findings and pays particular attention to the work with very young children (4 months upward). Due to each individual house working according to their own concept, facility managers, regional specialist advisors and the team continuously develop pme’s framework concept for their house further. As part of KiBiz (German education laws) being revised and with regard to child protection and children’s rights in mind, we aim to work in a well connected way. Apart from childcare being offered in assigned groups, every room offers a particular emphasis, which provides diverse experiences and learning opportunities. Some examples of this type of room design are a building room, free play room or art room.
• Pikler Pedagogy: Our qualified staff members place notable value on Emmi Pikler's findings in the fields of developing autonomy and the quality of relationships.
• Quality Management: We work with an extensive quality management system and are externally certified. Furthermore, we work according to the quality handbook, which was developed by Dr. Wehrmann and her team.
• Science: By implementing the "Haus der kleinen Forscher" (House of the Small Researchers) project, children gain insight into science in a playful manner and explore their world.
• Singing and Making Music: A variety of instruments are available for children and staff.
Construction Aspects
• Indoor Play Area: Provides a reading corner and is a meeting point for families, colleagues and guests.
• Kitchen/Cooking: Qualified home economics personnel prepare fresh, nutritious food on a daily basis.
• Platforms: Individual sleeping berths and high-level towers provide children with areas to take a nap, rest, play or run around.
• Outdoor area: The large premises and the natural outdoor area are equipped with child-oriented playtime equipment, a sandpit and wet play area.